Take The Time To Review The Safety Card
Undoubtedly you’ll be instructed to peruse the safety card on your journey. Look around your carriage. Clock who follows the instructions. The first time were heard it, we did so with utmost care. Now, we know what it says and we think we know how we’d react if situation required swift action.
A safety card is designed to prepare you for a quick exit, a hard impact or a derailment should the worst should occur. Or is it designed simply to put your mind at rest for the journey ahead? It’s hard to know for sure but it delivers both for travellers, yet disaster tends to happen when we least expect it and in ways we never could have predicted.
So how important is a safety card and if you had a safety card for your life, what would it say on it? What would you want it to protect you from? How far within those margins of error are you living right now? Or are you living under an illusion of safety that is likely to come to an abrupt end?
Smoking on airplane used to be OK until it wasn’t.
Driving without a seatbelt used to be OK until it wasn’t.
Cutting a steak with a plastic knife was OK for a while, until it wasn’t.
It doesn’t make sense to keep revisiting your life safety card every day, but there’s nothing wrong with rewriting it every so often for your next journey ahead.